Fri, 02-Sep-1983

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The Sisters of Mercy in 1983, very likely at Aratta, Moers, 02 September 1983

Aratta, Moers, West Germany

There's not much known about this final show of The Sisters of Mercy's first tour to

the European mainland. We have, however, the announcement here on the right side.

In addition, it is clear that this concert did take place, as an interviewer of the

German music mag SPEX attended the gig and spoke with Andrew Eldritch.

The text of this feature in SPEX can be found (in German language) at the

Ultimatesistersguide in the German interviews & clippings section under

the entry Plus-Minus-Null. This was also the title of the article in SPEX

referring to Eldritch's resumee about The Sisters of Mercy's Trans-Europe Excess Tour

in the interview, which was: pretty much even.

Eldritch also talked about plans for an album release for the coming year, if that

should be practicable, and mentioned productions fees of 40,000 £ as a 24-track

recording were imperative for an undertaking as such, and that the band were

far from being able to live on their music.

The concert was not recorded. The photo on the left side was also taken from

the article entry @Ultimatesistersguide.

Any further information should be very welcome.


- unknown -

This article is a stub and is in need of expansion